Leader's Digest Leader's Digest #11 Newsletter

Update Conduite : Novembre 2024

Les études conduite et communication de l’Académie militaire à l’EPF de Zurich résument pour vous les articles les plus pertinents de ces derniers mois sur le thème de la conduite militaire.

Manoeuvre Is Dead – But It Can Be Revived: Overcoming Stalemates By Gaining Competitive Advantage

[The Defence Horizon Journal, 27.10.2024, Patrick Hofstetter, Alan Borioli, Till Flemming]

Technological innovations such as ubiquitous drones have led to a stalemate in the current war in Ukraine. Western observers who see the war of attrition as a disadvantage ask whether it can be transformed into a war of manoeuvre. The authors argue that this is only possible if the West succeeds in exploiting competitive advantage through innovations that are not accessible to or exploitable by opponents. Until this situation is rectified, manoeuvre warfare will remain dead.


Seven Reflections of a «Red Commander»

[Army University Press, 09/2024, Ian M. Sullivan]

In this article Ian M. Sullivan, deputy chief of staff, G-2, for the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), shares his reflections on wargaming and what he has learned by playing the «Red Commander». He summarizes his main findings into seven key lessons, insightful for all military leaders and tacticians.


Drones are Transforming the Battlefield in Ukraine but in an Evolutionary Fashion

[War on the Rocks, 05.03.2024, Stacie L. Pettyjohn]

This article highlights the use of drones in the ongoing Ukrainian War, offering a more transparent and clear understanding of their role in modern warfare while also addressing their limitations. It provides valuable insights into current conflict dynamics.


Moral Coping or Simply Uncomplicated Soldiering? How Soldiers Avoid Moral Injury Through Simplification, Justification, Rationalization, and Compartmentalization

[Armed Forces and Society, 18.04.2023, Tine Molendijk]

This paper explores how 80 formerly deployed Dutch veterans interpret and cope with moral challenges, revealing a middle ground between soldiers avoiding moral conflict and being deeply affected by it. It provides valuable insight into a process of coping with moral trauma and fosters a deeper understanding.


6 Essential Leadership Skills – and How to Develop Them

[Harvard Business Review, 18.10.2024, Rebecca Knight]

This article highlights essential skills for effective leadership in today’s world. While some of these skills may seem straightforward, the article offers valuable opportunities for self-reflection and presents the skills in a clear and concise manner.


À propos de « Update Conduite »

Le « Update Conduite » est une rubrique récurrente de la newsletter Leader’s Digest. Cette newsletter est le fruit d’une coopération entre le Leadership Campus de l’Armée suisse et les études conduite et communication de l’Académie militaire à l’EPF de Zurich. Si vous n’êtes pas encore abonné au Leader’s Digest, vous trouverez de plus amples informations ainsi que le formulaire d’inscription en cliquant sur ce lien.

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