Preliminary Lessons from Ukraine’s Offensive Operations, 2022–23
[RUSI, 18.07.2024, Jack Watling, Oleksandr V Danylyuk, Nick Reynolds]
The 2023 Ukrainian offensive, initially grounded in a solid strategy, failed due to critical errors and missed opportunities by both Ukraine and its international partners. Delays in equipment, inadequate training, and flawed assumptions about Russian forces led to a breakdown in execution. This report is essential reading for military leaders, offering crucial lessons on modern warfare, including the importance of counter-reconnaissance, electronic protection, and the need for adaptable strategies in regenerating combat power. Understanding these failures is key to avoiding similar mistakes and enhancing future NATO operations.
Panzer statt Bullerbü: Nach dem Überfall auf die Ukraine rüsten die skandinavischen Länder auf. So geht Zeitenwende
[NZZ, 20.08.2024, Marco Kaufmann Bossart]
Dieser Artikel bietet wertvolle Einblicke für militärische Führungskräfte, indem er die drastischen sicherheitspolitischen Umbrüche in den skandinavischen Ländern nach dem russischen Überfall auf die Ukraine beleuchtet. Er zeigt, wie entschlossene Aufrüstung und die Abkehr von langjähriger Neutralitätspolitik die Verteidigungsstrategien in Nordeuropa aktuell nachhaltig verändern.
What is psychological safety?
[McKinsey & Company, 7/2023, McKinsey]
Psychological safety—the absence of interpersonal fear— is critical for peak performance in all areas of life, from work to home. This article delves into why creating environments where people feel safe to speak up, share ideas, and admit mistakes without fear of judgment or retaliation is essential for fostering innovation, productivity, and team effectiveness. Backed by McKinsey’s research, it offers valuable insights for leaders on how to cultivate psychological safety through specific leadership behaviors and development strategies. Military and business leaders alike will find this a compelling read for understanding how to build stronger, more resilient teams.
The Hidden War in Gaza and the West Bank
[Bellingcat, 29.04.2024, Bellingcat Investigation Team]
As Israel gears up for its Rafah offensive, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza deepens, yet restricted media access obscures the full extent of the devastation. In this article, Bellingcat and Scripps News utilize open-source imagery to expose the widespread destruction and deteriorating conditions in Gaza. Simultaneously, the escalating conflict in the West Bank is also highlighted, with satellite imagery revealing continued settlement expansions and rising tensions. This analysis provides a crucial, underreported perspective on the ongoing conflicts, making it a must-read for those seeking to understand the full scope of the crisis.
Wer ist schuld an der Sicherheitslücke beim Trump-Auftritt? Eine Videoanalyse
[NZZ, 18.07.2024, Isabelle Pfister, Jasmine Jacot-Descombes]
Wer trägt die Verantwortung für die Sicherheitslücke bei Donald Trumps Auftritt, bei dem er nur knapp dem Tod entging? Diese Videoanalyse beleuchtet, wie es zu diesem gefährlichen Vorfall kommen konnte. Dabei wird unter anderem das Sicherheitsdispositiv des Secret Service erläutert. Hat der Secret Service versagt, oder liegt die Schuld bei der Polizei? Der Artikel untersucht die gemachten Fehler und gibt spannende Einblicke in die Abläufe hinter den Kulissen. Eine aufschlussreiche Analyse für alle, die an Sicherheitsfragen und den Hintergründen solcher Ereignisse interessiert sind.
Deviance and Innovation: Change in a «Society of Saints»
[Joint Force Quarterly, 25.07.2024, Thaddeus V. Drake, Derrick L. McClain]
This article is a must-read for military leaders who seek to balance order and discipline with the need for innovation. It challenges conventional wisdom by proposing that controlled deviance within a rigid structure can be a driving force for change and improvement, offering valuable insights into how military organizations can adapt in rapidly changing environments.
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