Military Leadership: An Introduction to Future-Oriented Leadership Concepts
[stratos, 09.07.2024, Sarah Von Felten, p. 126-130]
In a world of constant change, modern military leadership must evolve. This article explores future-oriented concepts such as Change Management, Mental Health/Resilience, and Work-Life Balance, which are crucial for effective leadership. Sarah von Felten, a researcher at ETH Zurich’s Military Academy, highlights the importance of adapting traditional leadership models to ensure operational success and team well-being. By integrating these strategies, leaders can navigate dynamic environments and meet contemporary challenges. Interested readers will also find many other interesting articles in this issue of stratos.
Cybersicherheit im Weltraum verstehen
[CSS ETH Zürich, 6/2024, Clémence Poirier]
Der Artikel «Cybersicherheit im Weltraum verstehen» beleuchtet die enge Verbindung von Cyber- und Weltraum und zeigt die wachsende Bedrohung für Weltrauminfrastrukturen durch Cyberangriffe auf. Am Beispiel der Cyberattacke auf das KA-SAT-Satellitennetzwerk vor der Invasion der Ukraine im Jahr 2022 wird die Verwundbarkeit kritischer Systeme deutlich. Für militärische Führungspersonen bietet der Artikel wichtige Einblicke in die Bedrohungslandschaft und die notwendigen politischen, rechtlichen und technischen Massnahmen, um Satelliten und damit verbundene Operationen zu schützen. Ein unverzichtbarer Beitrag für alle, die die Sicherheit moderner militärischer Systeme verstehen und verbessern wollen.
China Unveils World’s 1st Virtual Military Commander; Participates In Computer Wargames To Prepare For Future
[The EurAsian Times, 16.06.2024, Ritu Sharma]
China has unveiled the world’s first virtual military commander, actively participating in large-scale computer wargames. As global debates continue on the ethics of AI in warfare, China’s AI commander is already simulating real-life military scenarios at the National Defense University. Unlike in the US, where AI supports human commanders, China’s AI mimics human decision-making with unprecedented authority. This raises crucial questions about the future role of AI in the military, highlighting both its potential and the ethical challenges it presents. An essential read for understanding the future of AI in warfare.
Le leadership ne se résume pas à l’efficacité et aux processus
[Forbes, 10.07.2023, Joyce E. A. Russell]
Certains affirment que le remplacement des cadres humains par des robots permettrait d’accroître l’efficacité et d’éliminer les incohérences. Ce débat soulève toutefois une question centrale : Le leadership peut-il être simplement réduit à l’efficacité ? Joyce E. A. Russell explore ce sujet en soulignant l’importance des qualités humaines dans le leadership, telles que l’empathie et la reconnaissance, qui inspirent les employés et enrichissent leur expérience professionnelle. Lisez dans cet article quelques arguments pour et contre cette révolution robotique dans le leadership.
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Old and new lessons from the Ukraine War
[The Strategist, 07.06.2024, Joseph S. Nye]
This article summarizes the crucial lessons from the Ukraine War in a short and precise manner, revealing insights into modern warfare tactics, the impact of information campaigns, and the unpredictability of conflicts. It’s an interesting read for all Swiss military officers, yearning to get a better understanding for the ongoing dynamics in modern conflicts.
How generational stereotypes hold us back at work
[TEDxCreightonU, 4/2018, Leah Gorges]
In this insightful TED Talk, social psychologist Leah Georges explores the dynamics of the multigenerational workforce, encompassing the Silent Generation, baby boomers, Generation X, millennials, and Gen Z. She challenges the assumptions that often create barriers between these groups and highlights how our similarities outweigh our differences. Georges provides practical strategies for improving communication and collaboration across generations. This talk is particularly interesting for military leaders, who work with diverse age groups and must bridge generational gaps to foster effective teamwork and mission success.
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